Create Pages in Google Sites
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Google Sites offers a vast variety of page types when a user creates a new page. Each page type has its unique use in properties. Its better to get better understanding of Page Types offered by Google Sites. In this session, you will learn complete and detailed understanding of Google Sites page templates.
Create a page in Google Sites is just a click away. While creating new page, Google sites offers Standard Templates and User Created Templates.
User created templates are those page templates which are created by Google Sites website user(s) and Standard templates are those page templates which come by default with Google Sites.
Related FAQ
Q. Can I edit Standard templates?
A. No.
Q. How many pages i can create in a Google Sites website?
A. You can create unlimited pages in a site. There are no limitations of creating pages in Google Sites but you need to understand the Google Sites Storage. Creating hundred and thousands of pages in one Google Sites website cause a bad user experience because it could slow down your Google Sites website.
Q. I want to create thousands of page in a single Google Sites website, is there any tip to avoid blocking my site?
A. We do not recommend to create thousands of pages in a single Google Sites website, anyhow, if you want to create thousand of page, avoid using dynamic elements like automatic navigation and recent page history in sidebar. It may prevent you to blocking your Google Sites website.
Q. Can i create all pages one page template or is it necessary to use all page types in my Google Sites website?
A. You are free to use any page type template in your Google Sites website offered by Google Sites. You may use even a one page template for all of your pages.
Just Click on the Icon "New Page" and you will go to next page to select the page template type and other options.
1. Name your page: You can write the name of your new page, normally it will be the URL of your page. You many change the URL of your page by clicking "change URL". In this case, your page name will be the same as your wrote but the URL will be change. Your page name will be the Title of your page and plays an important role in Google Sites SEO. 2. You page URL: It is important to understand this option. Here in the image, it is: /a/
/a showing that this site is using Google Apps,
/ means that it is the domain name and
/www referring the site name.
3. Select a template to use: You can select the template from the variety of page templates. When you will click it, you will see the list of standard page templates and also the user created page templates.
4. Select a location: You can select the location of your new page in Google Sites. The first option "Put page at the top level" refer that create the page on the root level ( / ) of your website. The second option may be different on your site. Normally it gives the option of that page from where you selected the "New page". Also it is showing the sequence of your webpage.
5. Choose a different location: You can create your page at any location in you Google Sites website by selecting the option, when you will select this option, you will see the complete sitemap or structure of your Google Sites website. So select the location from the sitemap of your site and create your page in Google Sites.
You can change the page template of a existing page to standard page or user created template.
To change it: More > Change Page template
You can change the page location of your existing page.
To change it: Go to the specific page > More > Move page and select the location from sitemap.
Following are the standard page templates offered by Google Sites.